The field of marketing is always changing which means in order to stay on top, you need to be adaptable. A lot of times people will associate social media with personal use but it’s actually a very powerful business marketing tool. Social media is now one of the leading platforms of turning browsing internet users into customers. Here’s a few reasons why to join the social media marketing game:
- Social Media boosts your website’s SEO
. Search engines pay attention to any site that is consistently bringing in traffic. If your company’s social media pages are correctly linked back to your site, this will bring your search engine rankings up. This brings more traffic to your website which beings more traffic to your social media pages and so on.
- Create customer relationships through engagements. Communication is a very important aspect in creating strong and long lasting customer relationships. Using social media to engage with your customers will make your company seem more personable which is important in gaining customer trust. Social media platforms are a quick and easy way to build those customer relationships.
- Social Media can make or break your brand. Internet presence is everything nowadays. Online branding will give your company a personality which will have an influence over whether or not customers choose to buy a product or service. For many businesses, especially those with a younger target demographic, social media presence is more important than your website.
- Ad campaigns through social media allow targeting. For example, a successful Facebook Ad campaign will target users based on a number of factors. Some of these factors include proximity, interests, education, industry, search history and purchase history. These users are a lot more likely to convert to paying customers.
- Social media is always mobile friendly. Even when customers are browsing websites it’s often through a mobile device. Keep in mind that most social media platforms are built around being mobile or app friendly. It is very important for your website to also be mobile friendly so customers can go from your social media platforms to your website and back from their handheld devices.
- Set yourself apart from the competition. 91% of brands are already using more than one social media platform. In order to gather a good amount of followers, without paying for them, it takes time to build. If 91% of your competition has already started then what are you waiting for? Social media is a way to showcase your creativity, personality and brand image.
- Social Media Marketing increases sales and Return on Investment (ROI). Social helps your company remind your potential customers that you’re there. Most potential customers will be browsing Instagram or Facebook rather than looking up websites, so frequent posts puts you in their heads without bombarding them with spam or pop-up ads. Social media posts are also a great way to offer incentives through coupons, promotions or exclusive discounts.
Start using one of the most powerful and cheapest forms of internet marketing today. Create your brand personality and provide your customers with a strong internet presence. Show everyone what your company is about in a way that connects to potential customers. Turn those internet browsers into real life customers. What are you waiting for, go get ahead of your competition!
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